KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 (2022 Ed.) - SOLOBITO
KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 (2022 Ed.) - SOLOBITO
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 - SOLOBITO
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 (2022 Ed.) - SOLOBITO
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 KONO Translucent Sapphire Blue Dripper 半透明藍寶石版 (2022 Ed.) - SOLOBITO

KōNO Sapphire Blue Dripper 藍寶石 (2022 Summer Ed.)


日本經典錐形濾杯KōNO- 經過長時間不斷研究及精密計算下誕生。錐形濾杯內有12 條立體溝槽(肋骨),只延伸至杯的中間, 令濾杯上半部的內側可緊貼濾紙, 注入的水經下方的溝槽向中央落下, 讓咖啡精華以更穩定的速度萃取, 呈現出圓潤厚實的風味, 尾韻飽滿, ,  深受咖啡愛好者推祟。

KōNO Meimon dripper has 12 vertical ribs inside the conical shape, these ribs only extends from the bottom to the middle. With this design water can spread evenly throughout the filter and let coffee drip through at a steady speed, resulting in a bit more balance and depth of flavor, similar to that of Nil drip.  A favorite dripper of  both professional coffee barista and coffee mania. 


Product descrption

  • KōNO 於2022 年夏推出的第二代濾杯 (MDN)  - 藍寶石

  • 半肋骨的設計, 讓咖啡的流速和萃取速度更穩定及容易控制, 保留咖啡的風味; 可透過注水方式, 讓味道產生變化

  • KōNO 2022 special edition(MDN) - Transculent Sapphire Blue

  • Half-rib design can let coffee drip steadily and makes it easier to control the speed of extraction. 

Material_acrylic resin 

Size_D10cm  x H 8cm ( including handle 11.5cm)
        Dripper:D9.5cm × H6.5cm

    Weight_ 97.5g

    Heat-resistant temp_ 90℃

    Country of Origin_ Japan


    KōNO Sapphire Blue Dripper 藍寶石 (2022 Summer Ed.) - SOLOBITO





    日本KōNO 濾杯 二三事 (一文看清懶人包)